245D Waiver Services

If you or someone you know is a Minnesota resident with a disability or chronic illness needing support to live independently, 245D Waivered Services could be the answer. These state-funded programs offer a wide range of non-medical care and assistance, empowering individuals to remain in their homes and communities.

Absolute Carings is a 245D licensed provider of respite, homemaker, Individual Community Living Support (ICLS) services, Individual Home Support (IHS) without training, IHS with training, and night supervision services. For each 245D service, clients select a trusted, qualified worker suited for their needs, while for IHS with training, a qualified staff is matched to the client to meet their needs. We will work with the client and county case manager to set up and administer 245D Waivered Services in all services.

Our 245D Services

These services provide the level of assistance, supervision, and care necessary to ensure the health and safety of the person.